
唐代吐蕃与西部民族大迁徙 被引量:1

Influences of Tubo in Tang Dynasty on the Minorities'Migration in China's West Region
摘要 自唐贞观十四年起,吐蕃首次进攻唐朝藩属吐谷浑和唐西南重镇松州,到唐广德元年的百二十余年间的军事扩张,吐蕃已经占有河西、陇右及安西四镇,"诸胡之盛,莫与为比"。吐谷浑、突厥、回鹘、沙陀、党项、南诏、汉人和包括吐蕃在内的西部各族,他们在吐蕃贵族的武力威迫下颠沛流离,造成罕见的民族大迁徙。伴随着民族大迁徙出现的汉化与胡化现象,对北宋已降我国西部民族的种类及其分布,产生了深远的影响。 Tubo first invaded Tuguhui state of Tang Dynasty and the important military town of Songzhou in 640 AD, and in the following 23 years, to 763 AD, Tubo occupied the west part of what is now called Gansu province and Qinghai province, the east part of Yellow River and part of Xinjiang province by military force. No other minorities were powerful enough to compete with Tubo. Such mi- norities as Tuguhui, Tujue, Huihu, Shatuo, Dangxiang, Nanzhao and others, together with Han people, in west part of China were forced to leave their hometown for places far away from Tubo in order to avoid Tubo' s suppression and had a very hard life, thus resulting in wide national migration. With further national migration, minorities and Han people greatly influenced each other in every aspect like culture, economy, politics etc. , which is an objective law of realizing national unification. The national migration at that time had great influences on the distribution of minorities in west part of China after Song dynasty.
作者 任树民
出处 《青海师专学报》 2008年第4期56-59,共4页 Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College
关键词 吐蕃 扩张 迁徙 融合 Tubo Tang dynasty expansion migration unification
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