采用踏查法对广东增城南香山森林公园植物资源进行了调查.结果表明,南香山共有维管植物123科321属461种,包括蕨类植物17科20属24种、裸子植物3科2属4种、被子植物103科299属433种.其中野生维管植物115科277属400种,国家重点保护野生植物和珍稀濒危植物5种,属于国家重点保护的野生植物有3科3属3种,属于珍稀濒危植物的有3科3属3种,既是珍稀濒危植物又是国家重点保护植物的只有土沉香Aquilaria sinensis.
A total of 461 species and varieties of vascular plants belonging to 321 genera, 123 families were found in Nanxiangshan, of which, 24 were fern species falling into 20 genera, 17 families, 4 gymnospem species belonging to 2 genera, 3 families, and 433 angiosperm species belonging to 299 genera, 103 families. 400 species were wild vascular plants belonging to 277 genera, 155 families. 5 species were national key protected wild plants and endangered plants. 3 species were national key protected plants belonging to 3 genera, 3 families. 3 species were endangered plants belonging to 3 genera, 3 families. Aquilaria sinenesis was both endangered plants and national key protected plants.
Journal of South China Agricultural University