Boot Loader是操作系统和硬件的枢纽,负责初始化硬件和引导操作系统的内核,以较为通用的开源U-Boot引导加载程序为例,简略分析了U-Boot启动的工作机理,并介绍了了U-Boot在ADSP-BF533目标板上的移植方法和过程,应用结果表明,移植后的U-Boot在目标板上运行稳定可靠,具有一定的实用性。
Boot Loader is the hinge of embedded operation system and hardware, and it answers for initialization of the hardware and boot operation system kernel. The more universal open source boot loader U-Boot is choosen. The booting mechanism of U-Boot is analyzed, and the porting method and process in an embedded system board based on the ADSP-BF533 CPU are described. The application shows that U-Boot runs stable and accurate. The technology and methods adopted in the porting process are practical.
Measurement & Control Technology