
卟吩-f二甲酯合成及其反应机理研究 被引量:9

Reaction Route and Mechanism of Synthesis of Dimethyl Chlorin-f
摘要 以叶绿素-a为起始原料,经酸性剔除中心金属镁离子得到脱镁叶绿酸-a甲酯.再经过空气氧化和重排反应将其转变为红紫素18-甲酯,在碱性条件下实施开环和脱羧反应,分别得到卟吩p6三甲酯、卟吩-f二甲酯.选择焦脱镁叶绿酸-a甲酯为起始原料,乙醇钠存在条件下进行空气氧化反应,则分别得到15-甲酰基卟吩-f二甲酯和卟吩-f二甲酯.表征了反应产物的化学结构,讨论和提出了可能的反应机理. Chlorophyll-α is used as starting material and converted to methyl pheophorbide-α by removing mag- nesium under acid condition. The purpurin-18 methyl ester is obtained by air oxidation and rearrangement and chlorin p6 trimethyl ester and chlorin-f dimethyl ester are generated by ring-opening and decarboxylation. 15- formyl chlorin-f and chlorin-f are also obtained from pyropheophorbide-α by air-oxidation in the presence of NaOEt. The structures of all these new compounds are characterized by elemental analysis, UV, IR and ^1H NMR spectra. The possible reaction mechanism is discussed.
机构地区 烟台大学药学院
出处 《烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版)》 CAS 2008年第3期185-190,共6页 Journal of Yantai University(Natural Science and Engineering Edition)
基金 山东省教育厅资助项目(200391006008)
关键词 焦脱镁叶绿酸-α甲酯 卟吩-f二甲酯 叶绿素衍生物 光动力疗癌法(PDT) methyl pyropheophorbide-α chlorin-f dimethyl ester chlorophyll deriveative photodynamictherapy ( PDT )
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