The study investigated the chemotherapeutic effect of pyrantel pamoate, albendazole, mebendazole and other drugs in 6consecutive courses in 2 years on patients with hookworm, ascaris, trichuris and other soil - borne nemathelminth in the field of Chaolie Village, Qionghai City, Hainan Province, The results showed that the chemotherapeutic effect on patients with hookworm and ascaris was very satisfactory, the curative rate for hookworm infection was 96. 4%, there were less than 300 eggs/g in each faeces of the 5 residual patients with Necator americanus; the curative rate for ascaris infection was as high as 99. 3%,there were 24 eggs/g of faeces. It showed that the effect was related to the drugs chosen and the interval of medication arranged.The effect on patients with trichuris infection was not satisfactory with a curativerate of 63. 3%. This might be related to the low doses of the chosen anthelmintics in which only mebendazole showed certain effect on trichuris infection.
Tropical zone Nemathelminthiasis Chemotherapeutic effect