
漳州市生态系统的现状分析与对策——基于2005年生态足迹计算结果 被引量:1

The Calculation and Analysis of Ecological Footprints of Zhangzhou in 2005
摘要 以漳州市2005年的统计数据为基础,对该市的生态足迹进行了计算。结果显示,漳州市人均生态足迹为4.0207hm2/人,而当地的人均生态承载力约为0.5540hm2/人,生态足迹是当地生态承载力的7倍左右,人均生态赤字高达3.4667hm2/人。人地关系已相当紧张,生产消费活动对生态系统构成了巨大压力。要实现漳州市的生态可持续发展,维持生态系统的良性循环,就必须高效利用现有的资源量,改变人们的生产和生活消费方式,建立资源节约型的社会生产和消费体系。 Zhangzhou's ecological footprint is calculated on the basis of the statistics in 2005. The ecological footprint of Zhangzhou is 4.0207hm^2/person, the ecological carrying capacity 0.5540hm^2/person, and the ecologic deficit up to 3.4667hm^2/person.The relation between person and ground is in a very bad conditon, producing huge pressure to the ecological system.To keep sustainable development of Zhangzhou, maintaining the better cycle of ecological system,we have to make use of existing resources efficiently,alter the patterns of production and consumption,and build a production and consumption system practising economy.
作者 朱佳佳 付佳
出处 《漳州师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2008年第2期52-56,共5页 Journal of Zhangzhou Teachers College:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 福建师范大学人文地理重点学科项目资助(12311115L)
关键词 生态足迹 生态承载力 生态赤字 可持续发展 漳州市 ecological footprint ecological carrying capacity ecological deficit sustainability Zhangzhou
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