
非线性切换系统不变集的输出反馈镇定 被引量:4

Output Feedback Stabilization of Invariant Sets for Nonlinear Switched Systems
摘要 利用一个非负函数V(x)提出一个新的输入输出对状态稳定的概念—输入输出对V(x)稳定.基于这一概念并结合系统无源性的结论,提出了一类非线性切换系统不变集可输出反馈镇定的充分条件.利用统一Lyapunov函数和多Lyapunov函数给出了定理的证明.最后,详细讨论了输入输出对V(x)稳定与输入输出对状态稳定的关系. A novel concept of input/output-to-state stability, i.e., input/output-to-V(x) stability, is proposed by using a nonnegative function V(x). By virtue of this notion and passivity results, sufficient conditions under which an invariant set of a class of nonlinear switched systems can be stabilized by output feedback controllers are proposed. The stability results are proved by using common Lyapunov function and multiple Lyapunov functions respectively. Finally, the relationship between input/output-to-V(x) stability and input/output-to-state stability is discussed in detail.
出处 《自动化学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期784-791,共8页 Acta Automatica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(60504007) 南京农业大学引进人才启动基金(RCQD06-03)资助~~
关键词 输入输出对状态稳定 输入输出对V(x)稳定 不变集 输出反馈 统一Lyapunov函数 多LYAPUNOV函数 Input/output-to-state stability, input/output-to-V(x) stability, invariant sets, output feedback, common Lyapunov function, multiple Lyapunov functions
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