Food consumption data,physical development of children and mortality of some chronic diseases had been collected and analyzed in Shenyang city during 1984—1994. The results showed that the dietary quality improved markedly.The cereals consumption reduced from 141.0 kg in 1984 to 125.2 kg in 1994,animal food increased from 40.0 kg to 591kg per person per year.Eggs,beef,mutton,poultry and fish accounted for 95.3% of the total increase,pork only for 4.7%.All these alteration indicated the adjusted policy of food structure is reasonable and effective.The Desirable Dietary Pattern Score averaged 103 in 1993 and 1994. Due to the change of dietary pattern,the physical development of body weight increased 1.06kg and 3.23kg respectively for boys and girls of 7 years of age.Increase in body weight and height of 12 years old children were more significant than that of the 7 years ones.Therefore,growth rate of children of 12 years of age may be a better indicator for nutrition surveillance. However the mortalities of diabetes millitus,coronary heart diseases and stroke increased by 131%,90.3% and 25.4% respectively.It might be related to the increase of the dietary fat which accounted for 24.5% of total energy in 1984,30.6% in 1994.More attention should be paid to this increase. In order to solve the serious deficiency of calcium(only 54% of the RDA),calcium fortification of cereal products may be a feasible and effective way which deserve recommendation.
Acta Nutrimenta Sinica
dietary pattern physical development chronic disease