
解读詹姆斯·鲍德温作品中父亲形象的《圣经》原型 被引量:4

An Interpretation of the Father Images in James Baldwin's Works in the Perspective of Biblical Archetypes
摘要 父子关系是美国当代著名黑人作家詹姆斯.鲍德温毕生探究的一大主题,他的许多作品中都体现了对心目中理想的黑人父亲的渴求。此外,其作品中浓郁的宗教情结同样不容忽视。鲍德温在不同时期创作的三部作品——《向苍天呼吁》、《阿门角》和《假如比尔街能够说话》——中塑造了三种不同类型的黑人父亲形象,而且这些父亲形象都可以从《圣经》以及鲍德温本人的生活中找到原型。从《圣经》原型的角度解读这些作品中的黑人父亲形象无疑对理解作者本人及其作品很有助益。 The father-son relation was one of the important themes in James Baldwin' s works, and many of his works presented the great contemporary Afro-American writer's craving for an ideal black father. Also,the strong religious complex was most striking in his works. Baldwin had depicted three distinct father images in.his three works which were created in different phases of his life—Go Tell It on the Mountain , The Amen Corner and If Beale Street Could Talk. All these father images got their prototypes from the Bible and Baldwin's own life. The analysis of the Biblical archetypes of those father images is expected to give the readers a deeper comprehension of Baldwin and his thoughts.
作者 李鸿雁
出处 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第4期371-376,共6页 Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
基金 湖南省教育厅青年科研项目(06B032) 湖南科技大学科研项目(G30732)
关键词 詹姆斯·鲍德温 《向苍天呼吁》 《阿门角》 《假如比尔街能够说话》 《圣经》原型 James Baldwin Go Tell It on the Mountain The Amen Cortler lf Beale Street Could Talk biblical archetype
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