
木薯种质库遗传多样性的EST-SSR标记 被引量:27

Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Cassava Genepool by EST-SSR Markers
摘要 采用49对表达序列标签-微卫星标记(EST-SSR)引物对76份木薯材料(39份新引进材料和37份原始材料)进行遗传多样性分析,共获得135个多态性位点,每对引物检测等位基因数为1~4个,平均为2.75个;扩增产物的片段大小范围在250~750bp之间。根据遗传相似系数的聚类分析将所有材料分为5组,即A、B、C、D和E组,其中A、C、D、E4个组均为新引进种质,B组以0.6250为阈值,又将其分为5个亚组,其中B1、B2除了个别外,均为新引进种质,B2来自非洲,而B3、B4和B5主要为原有种质和育种品系。同时估算了分组后组间的遗传多样性指数,发现其平均遗传多样性指数达到0.4465。比较原来多样性分析结果,说明新引进这一批国外种质具有新的遗传类型,丰富了我国木薯种质资源库。 Gene tic diversity of 76 cassava accessions including 39 newly imported and 37 conserved in the Genepool of China were analyzed by using 49 primers of EST-SSR markers. A total of 135 polymorphism loci, and 1-4 alleles averaging 2.75 per primer were detected. The amplified fragments were 250-750 bp, conforming to the theoretically expected size. Genetic gathering analysis divided all the accessions into 5 groups, A, B, C, D and E. The clones of groups A,C,D and E were all newly imported, while B group were divided into 5 subgroups according to the critical genetic similarity coefficient of 0.625 0. These subgroups are B1, B2, B3, B4 and BS. The clones of the B1 and B2 are accessions newly imported except 1 clone, and the clones of B2 come from the Africa. But the subgroups B3,B4 and B5 are former collections or varieties. The calculation of genetic diversity index among groups indicated that the average genetic diversity index was upto 0.446 5,indicating that the new batch of the cassava resources newly introduced contained some new genotypes, enriching the cassava genetic resources in China.
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 2008年第3期304-309,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 国家948项目和院所专项--公益性行业科研专项项目(NYHYZH07-013)资助
关键词 木薯 种质资源 EST-SSR 遗传多样性 cassava germplasm EST-SSR genetic diversity
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