
基于多源遥感影像的台风灾情动态评估——研究进展 被引量:24

Dynamic assessment of typhoon disaster condition based on multi-sources remote sensing imagery:research progress
摘要 沿海地区作为人口聚集、国民经济和社会发展重要的区域和战略中心,台风带来的损失往往是惨重和致命的。尤其是近年来,随着台风突发强度、频度和广度的不断增长,灾后救援工作显得格外重要,亟待开展灾情信息快速获取与动态评估研究。该领域目前主要探讨的问题为:台风灾情信息的遥感数据来源;基于遥感影像的灾情评估方法;台风灾情表征指标与评估模型;台风灾害风险综合管理等。在全球变暖和快速城市化的背景下,目前应集中开展的研究为:以我国沿海地区典型台风为剖析对象,构建台风多尺度灾情表征指标体系和基于多源遥感影像的台风灾情动态评估模型;集成开发遥感-地理信息系统(RS-G IS)灾情动态评估工具集;探讨台风灾情信息共享与分布式管理机制。这不但能实现受灾地区灾情快速评估与制图,而且能为我国沿海地区台风综合灾害风险管理以及可持续发展战略实施提供科学依据。 Natural disaster is the hotspot question in international society and academy. Guard of typhoon disaster is very important since the increasing of its intensity, frequency and extent. Coastal zone is an important area and strategic focus of population concentration, national economy and society development, so the loss from typhoon disaster is very fierce and fatal. At present, the main discussed questions in this field are: remote sensing sources of typhoon disaster condition information, method of disaster condition assessment based on remote sensing imagery, the indexes system and model of typhoon disaster condition assessment, typhoon disaster risk assessment and management. In the background of global warming and quick urbanization, our research should focus on these aspects : the indexes system and dynamic assessment model of typhoon disaster, the RS-GIS tools of coastal zone typhoon disaster risk dynamic assessment and management, mechanism of typhoon disaster information share and distributing management. It can not only realize the quick evaluation and mapping of the situation in disaster area, but also provide scientific foundation for typhoon integrated disaster risk management and the implementation of sustainable development in coastal zone of China.
出处 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期22-28,共7页 Journal of Natural Disasters
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40730526 40571006 70703010)
关键词 遥感影像 台风 灾情 动态评估 沿海地区 remote sensing imagery typhoon disaster condition dynamic assessment coastal zone
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