5U.S.Congress ,Congressional Records,Trade With China,Senate May 07,2004, Washington, D. C. U.S. Government Printing Office: May, 2004, p-S5031.
6David A. Lake, Pouwer,Protection and Free Trade, International Sources of U.S.Commercial Strategy,1887- 1939. Ithaca, N. Y., Comell University Press, 1988; John M.Dobaon, Two Centuries of Tarriff , The Backgroud and Emergence of the United States Intema-tional Trade Commission, Washington, D. C. : United States Inteanational Trade Commission, 1976.
7Sidney Rather, The Tarriff in Amedcan History,New Yock:D. Van Nosstrand Comany. 1992. p. 152.