
农村土地征收补偿的阶段特征分析——以天津市为例 被引量:3

Analysis of Compensation for Compulsory Rural Land Acquisition in Tianjin
摘要 本文以天津市为例,采用数理统计的方法,从宏观、中观和微观3个尺度探讨经济发展水平与农村土地征收补偿政策的关系。首先选取9个社会经济指标,将天津市1990年~2004年的社会经济水平划分为2个阶段,分析总结不同阶段的天津市征地补偿标准特点;然后针对第二阶段,分析比较天津市12个郊区县中实际存在的农村土地征收补偿确定方式,并研究不同方式下的区县经济特点;最后选取典型区县,重点分析农村土地征收市场价格与社会经济水平的关系。研究结果表明,随着社会经济水平的整体提高和产业结构向第二、三产业的调整,农村土地征收补偿的确定方式应与区域的第二、三产业发展水平和特点相协调;农村的社会经济水平是目前影响农村土地征收补偿选择“市场定价”方式的主要因素;经济和区位因素逐渐代替土地产值和人均耕地数量,成为决定征地补偿水平高低的关键。 This paper uses the case study of Tianjin to analyze the relationship between economic development and compensation for compulsory acquisition of rural land at three different scales, using statistical methods. First, we selected nine social and economic indicators which were used to classify the period of 1990 - 2004 into 2 phases. This data included total permanent resident population, total population based on census registration, agricultural population, non-agricuhural population, GDP, percapita GDP, gross agricultural output value, gross industrial output value, and per-capita net income of farmers. We also described compensation standards for compulsory rural land acquisition in each phase. For the second phase (2000 - 2004), we analyzed different ways to determine compensation for compulsory rural land acquisition in twelve suburban counties of Tianjin, then adopted a factor analysis method to extract two components: a comprehensive rural economy factor, and a non-agricultural industry scale factor, from 6 indicators relevant to acquisition of rural land and socio-economic characteristics. Finally, we chose a representative county to analyze the relationship between rural land prices for compulsory acquisition and socio-economic level. Correlation analysis was employed, including factors related to location (inside or outside of ring road, distance to ring road, distance to city center) and social and economic conditions (per-capita area of arable land, per-capita net income of farmers, and value added from primary, secondary and tertiary industries at the village and town level). Due to improvements at overall socio-economic level and the adjustment of the industrial structure from primary industry to secondary and tertiary industry, the standards for determining compensation need to adjusted to reflect the prevalence of secondary and tertiary industry. In this period in Tianjin, because of the differences in rural socio-economic level and non-agricuhural industry scale, some counties used policy-based prices, in which the local government sets a standard price, while other counties chose to use market-based prices, in which the government negotiates with farmers to determine an acceptable price for compensation. The difference in method selection is not entirely based on the quality of a county' s economic location, but in general, the socio-economic level of counties that chose market-based pricing was higher than counties that chose policy-based pricing. In comparison with the factor of non-agricultural industry scale, the rural socio-economic level is the major factor which determines whether compensation is based on market-based prices. Economic factors and location factors will gradually replace land output value and per-capita cultivated land quantity to become the key determinants of compensation level for compulsory rural land acquisition.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期1024-1031,共8页 Resources Science
关键词 经济发展 农村土地征收 补偿方式 市场价格 Economic development Compulsory rural land acquisition Compensation method Market price
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