AIM: To evaluate the biological safety of the light - curable plastic fibre reinforced composite synthetized independently. METHODS: The experimental study was carryied out with hemolytic test in vitro,oral mucous membrane irritation test and acute general toxicity test according to the relative standards. RESULTS: The hemolytic rates of the samples is 1.76%, which is less than 5% stated by medical standard of the PRC(YY) , so the material is considered to be no hemolysis phenomena and no influences on the function of coagulation. There is no abnormal- ities on the mucous membrane contacted with samples. The grade of tissue slices were all less than 4. So the material is considered to be no mucous membrane irritations according to medical standard of the PRC (YY). All of the tested mice survive the acute general toxicities, and there is no statistic differences of the relative increasing rates of weight and the utilizing rates of foods between the experimental and control groups( P 〈0.05 ). Threr is no abnormalities observed by naked eye on the heart, kidney, liver and so on, and no pathological change on the tissue slices of these organs. CONCLUSION: The material synthetized independently possesses good biological safety for dental application.
Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry