
台湾家庭负债高的原因与影响 被引量:1

The Taiwan Family Is in Bebt The High Reason and The Influence
摘要 台湾家庭负债与GDP的比率居亚洲之首。家庭负债过重,影响着家庭、金融、经济等秩序,反映出台湾贫富两级分化加重。要改变家庭高负债状况,从根本上说,台湾当局必须改变严重扭曲的经济发展路线,让经济成长的成果为全民共享。 Taiwan family debt and the GDP ratio occupies head of the Asian, the family debt is over-weight, is affecting orders and so on family, finance, economy, reflected the Taiwan rich and poor two levels split up the aggravation. Must change the family high debt condition, fundamentally said, the Taiwan authorities must change the serious distortion the economical development route, lets the achievement which the economy grows for all the people share,
作者 林其屏
机构地区 福建社会科学院
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期103-106,共4页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
关键词 台湾地区 家庭负债 贫富差距 Taiwan family debt gap between rich and poor
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