我没有每年都出席同一个艺术节的习惯一因为世界上好玩的地方实在太多了——但是,这个夏天,我破例重返美国斯珀里托艺术节(Spoleto USA)。去年,因为斯珀里托创办人、作曲家吉安·卡洛·梅诺蒂(Gian Carlo Menotti)刚刚去世,有不少人散播谣言,说美国斯珀里托艺术节可能会与意大利的斯珀里托艺术节重修旧好。这一消息促使了我立刻买了机票,赶到美国南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿(Chorleston)去。
I'm not in the habit of returning to the same festivals year after year-there are just way too many places to visit in the world-but I made an exception this summer for Spoleto USA. Last year, the death of Spoleto founder Gian Carlo Menotti, combined with rumors that the younger American institution might reconcile with its estranged parent festival in Italy, made me book a ticket to Charleston. I'd been looking for a good family squabble, and the debate over which Wagner offspring would take over Bayreuth just seemed too complex and bitter. Plus, the food's not as good.