5 patients of brain metastasis were treated with linac stereotatic radiosurgery. All the patients have been followed-up 6 to 24 months. Median survival time was 8 months. The 6-month tumour control rate was 84.4%. The date showed that three factors influence the survival: they are KPS score, extracranial metastasis when the patient presented for SRS treatment and whole brain radiotherapy. The 3 month tumor control rate evatuated by CT, MRI was 81%. The tumor control rate of the tumors whose tumors volumes were less than 7cm3 was significantly higher than that of tumors volumes more than 7cm3(P<0.01). Whether or not the whole brain radiotherapy should be given, it depend on the pathological diagnosis and the general condition of the patient. The large brain metastatiec lesions(>3.5cm in maximum diameter) should be treated with fractionation linac radiosurgery in order to decraese the side effects and the late complications.
Linac stereotatic radiosurgery, Brain metastasis