There is considerable interest in the use of atmospheric C^18O^16O and ^18O^16O as a tracer for resolving the role of the terrestrial biosphere in the global carbon cycle. Leaf transpiration will result in the enrichment of the heavy H2^18O isotopes. The δ^18O of leaf water at the evaporating site in the stomatal cavity directly influences the C^18O^16O and ^18O^16O exchanges, instead of that of the bulk leaf water. How to best quantify this enrichment effect remains an active area of research. In the past, a closed form of the Craig-Gordon model was obtained by invoking the steady-state assumption (δ^18O of the transpired water is identical to δ^18O of the xylem water). For the purpose of verification, the predictions of Craig-Gordon model are compared with δ^18O of the bulk leaf water after appropriate corrections for the Peclet effect. On small time scales of minutes to hours, δ^18O of the transpired water is variable in field conditions, implying that the steady state assumption is invalid. Recently, in-situ δ^18O and δ^18D measurement technology has been developed that has potential for improving our understanding of isotopic exchanges between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere. The precision of hourly δ^18O and δ^18D is comparable to the precision of mass spectrometry. It has the potential to improve prediction of δ^18O of leaf water at the evaporating site within the stomatal cavity for the temporal dynamics of atmospheric water vapor δ^18O and the δ^18O of the transpired water, especially if its measurement is made in a non-destructive manner and on a continuous basis. Because the isotopic flux of δ^18O and δ^18D is influ- enced by a similar set of biological and meteorological variables, simultaneous observations of δ^18O and δ^18D will provide additional constraints on the hydrological and ecological processes of the ecosystem. We review the theory and measurement techniques for the enrichment of H2^18O in leaves and focus on the recently developed in-situ measurement technology and its potential for improving our understand- ing of H2^18O enrichment in leaf water and C^18O^16O and ^18O^16O exchanges between the ecosystem and atmosphere.
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology