
几种经典牙列拥挤度预测法对中国人群适用性的比较 被引量:4

A Comparison of Methods for Predicting the Dentition Space for Chinese Population
摘要 目的找出最适合中国人群的牙列拥挤度预测法。方法使用精确度为0.01mm的标准化电子游标卡尺对符合纳入标准的140副牙颌模型进行测量,对实测值和五种预测法的预测值进行统计分析比较,五种预测法分别为"华西Moyers法"、"Tanaka-Johnston法"、"Bachmann法"、"Gross and Hasund法"、"Trankmann法"。结果所有预测法均存在低估倾向,其低估比例以华西Moyers法最低,Trankmann法最高;实测值与预测值之差小于1mm的以华西Moyers法所占比例最大,Trankmann法所占比例最小。结论华西Moyers法准确度最高,最适用于中国人群,Trankmann法准确度最低,对中国人群最不合适。 Objective The aim of the study was to find the most reliable method used for space analysis for Chinese population.Methods 140 study models in accordance with the conclusion standards were measured using a calibrated digital caliper with an accuracy of 0.01 mm and the statistic comparision and analysis had been done between the predictions and measurements.The methods were "West China Moyers","Tanaka-Johnston","Bachmann","Gross and Hasund","Trankmann".Results All the methods tend to under-estimate the mesio-distal crown diameters of the permanent canines and premolars(MDD).The under-estimated predictive scale in the method of Trankmann is the largest while in the method of Moyers is the least.Conclusion The method proposed by Moyers that was improved by West China School of Stomatology,Sichuan University proved to be most reliable in this study which showed the greatest correltion.However,the reliability of the method of Trankmann which seems to be the most unfit for Chinese population is the lowest.
出处 《四川大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期658-660,672,共4页 Journal of Sichuan University(Medical Sciences)
关键词 牙列拥挤 预测 相关系数 Dentitious space Prediction Correlation coefficient
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