目的 探讨精神分裂症病人中探查性眼球活动与认知功能障碍的关系。方法 具有阴性和阳性症状的精神分裂症混合型患者19例,正常对照41例,记录头皮6个采样点的视觉性P300;记录病人组的探查性眼球活动,并与P300进行相关分析。结果 病人组较对照组P300潜伏期延长,幅度减低;病人组中眼球凝视点数与Fz、Cz点的P300幅度呈显著意义相关。结论 提示精神分裂症中探查性眼球活动的异常与额叶功能障碍有关。
Objective: To investigate the relationship of exploratory eye movement and cognitivedysfunction. Methods: The exploratory eye movement and P300 of 19 schizophrenic patients and 44 normal controls were examined. The correlation between them were analyzed. Results: There were significant positive correlations between the NEF of exploratory eye movement and P300. Conclusion: Exploratory eye movement might be related to the function of frontal lobe.
Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry