Objective To detect the characteristics of retinal capillaries of glaucomatic patients by using adaptive optics system. Methods Retinal capillaries of normal people and primary open-angle glaucomatic patients over 18 years old were detected by using 37 unit high resolution retinal imaging system. The images were taken 1 degree below the foveola. The data were statistically tested. Results Five clear images in normal group and 4 clear images in primary open-angle glaucomatic group were evaluated. The mean diameter of the capillaries in the normal group(5.39μm) was significantly larger than that in the glaucomatic group(3.91μm) (P =0.047). No obvious differences in the total length and the number of the vessels were found between the two groups. Conclusions The macular retinal capillaries in the primary open-angle glaucomatic patients became thinner,which might be an appearance of the vascular automatic dysregu-lation.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology