
电子商务发展测度指标体系研究 被引量:31

Research on Indicator System for Measuring E-commerce
摘要 中国目前还没有建立正式的电子商务官方统计体系,指标体系的研究是国家《电子商务发展"十一五"规划》的重要内容,对于测度中国电子商务发展水平意义重大。从国际可比和统计可行的角度,对电子商务进行界定,目前不同的电子商务定义导致了各种各样的估计与预测;分析了经合组织、欧盟、英国、美国和中国电子商务统计及其研究现状;分别对国外官方和国际性组织、国内半官方或非官方机构具有代表性的电子商务测度指标体系进行了分析比较;根据存在的问题,提出了中国电子商务测度指标体系的设计原则与思路,并设计一套指标体系方案。该指标体系具有国际可比性特点,符合OECD提出的电子商务发展的准备、使用强度、影响三阶段生命周期模型,以企业(包括第三方平台)、家庭(个人)、政府为主体,适用于中国电子商务宏观统计。 Since official statistical programme for measuring e - commerce is not normally established in China now, it is important to study indicator system for measuring e- commerce. First, this paper discusses definition of e- commerce, which should be internationally comparable and statistically feasible, because there has been no internationally - agreed definition of e - commerce up to now and this leads to a wide range of estimates and forecasts. Second, present situation of e - commerce statistics of OECD, EU, UK, USA, and China, are analyzed. Third, representative indicator systems for e- commerce measurement both in foreign official and international organization, and in domestic semi - official and non - official organization, are compared respectively. Final, we propose the design principle and thoughts for measuring e - commerce in China, and on this basis a framework of indicators is presented. The indicators are of international comparability and refer to the "readiness", the "intensity", and the "impact" phases of e- commerce growth in the life - cycle model suggested by OECD, and can be measured in enterprises (including third- part platform), in households/by individuals, and in government, appropriate for macro statistics of e - commerce in China.
作者 刘敏 陈正
出处 《统计与信息论坛》 CSSCI 2008年第7期20-28,共9页 Journal of Statistics and Information
基金 陕西省自然科学基金项目《统计电子商务平台及其安全性研究》(2004F38)
关键词 电子商务 指标体系 设计原则与思路 设计方案 e- commerce indicator system design principle and thoughts framework of indicators
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