
紫杉醇和异环磷酰胺联合治疗复发性卵巢上皮性癌36例 被引量:2

Combination of Paclitaxel and Ifosfamide in the Treatment of Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
摘要 [目的]观察紫杉醇与异环磷酰胺联合化疗对术后复发卵巢上皮性癌近期疗效及毒副反应。[方法]晚期复发性卵巢上皮性癌36例,采用紫杉醇与异环磷酰胺联合化疗方案(紫杉醇175mg/m2,异环磷酰胺2g)全身化疗,疗程结束后4周观察疗效。[结果]CR4例,PR9例,SD17例,PD6例,总有效率(CR+PR)36.1%。毒副反应包括骨髓抑制、四肢关节酸痛、胃肠道反应,但均较轻,所有患者均未因毒副反应中断或退出治疗。[结论]紫杉醇与异环磷酰胺联合化疗对术后复发的卵巢上皮性癌效果肯定,毒副反应较轻。 [Purpose]To study the therapeutic effect and side effects of combined therapy with paclitaxel and ifosfamide on recurrent ovary cancer. [Methods] Thirty-six cases with recurrent ovary cancer in advanced stage were studied. A combined chemotherapy of paclitaxel and ifosfamide were applied. Paclitaxel 175mg/m^2 and ifosfamide 2g were administered. Response was evaluated at 4 weeks after chemotherapy finished. [Results ] Overall response rate to chemotherapy was 41.7%, including CR 4 cases and PR 9 cases. Chemotherapeutic toxicity included marrow suppression, gastrointestinal tract toxicity, limbs and joint pain. No patient exited the therapy because of toxicity. [Conclusions] The combined therapy of paclitaxel and ifosfamide showed good efficacy with mild toxicity.
机构地区 绍兴市人民医院
出处 《肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2008年第7期581-583,共3页 Journal of Chinese Oncology
关键词 卵巢肿瘤 紫杉醇 异环磷酰胺 药物疗法 Ovarian neoplasms paclitaxel ifosfamide drug therapy
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