
移动Ad hoc网络中基于能量的自适应广播策略 被引量:2

Energy Adaptive Flooding Broadcast Strategy for Ad hoc Network
摘要 为了在广播中避免产生广播风暴,提出了能量自适应转发的泛洪广播算法。该算法使用自适应调节转发概率的方法来减少信息不必要的重传,通过剩余能量最高的邻节点进行转播,减少了分组在网络中的重复传输,降低节点间的竞争和碰撞,有效抑制了泛洪。分析和仿真表明自适应广播策略比传统的泛洪方法具有明显的优越性,提高了传输成功率。 In order to avoid broadcast storm, the energy adaptive flooding broadcast (EAB) strategy is proposed. The algorithm is based on probability rebroadcast to reduce the number of rebroadcast. According the remain energy of the nodes, EAB decides which nodes need to rebroadcast to reduce the chance of contention and collision among neighboring nodes in the networks and restrain the flooding effectively. Analyses and simulations show that adaptive flooding broadcast strategy outperforms the ordinary flooding broadcast method.
出处 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期534-537,共4页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
基金 国家自然科学基金(60372101 60772109) 教育部光通信和光技术重点实验室开放基金
关键词 AD HOC网络 广播 能量自适应 抑制泛洪 Ad hoe networks broadcast energy adaptive restrain flooding
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