利用SSR标记研究了35个甘蓝型油菜(17个春性品种(系)和15个半冬性品种(系)以及3个春性品系与半冬性品系杂交选育出来的品系)的遗传多样性及其亲缘关系。研究结果表明:①30对SSR标记共扩增出90个多态性片段,其中多态性位点占总扩增位点的92.8%,平均每对引物检测等位基因3个,片段大小介于100-1 000 bp间。②利用由非加权类平均法(UPGMA)聚类分析表明,在遗传相似系数0.698处将35份材料分为5类,第I类包括17个材料,这17个材料除22号YYC-2为半冬性外,其余的均为春性材料;第Ⅱ类包括12个材料,其中18、19、20为春性和半冬性品系杂交选育出来的品系,其他的均为半冬性材料;第Ⅲ类包括3个半冬性材料,分别为华双3号、浙油758和华双2号;第IV类包括一个春性材料Wester;第V类包括两个半冬性材料中双9号和中双10号。从上述聚类结果看出总体上春性和春性材料聚在一起,半冬性和半冬性材料聚在一起,表明春性和半冬性品种(系)的遗传差异比较大。
The genetic diversity and relationships among a collection of B. napus L. accessions , including 17 spring, 15 weak-winter and 3 hybrid lines, were investigated by simple sequence repeats (SSRs). Two conclusions can be drawn from this study: (1)30 SSR primer pairs generated a total of 90 polymorphic bands, which took 92.8% of total amplified bands. 3 polymorphic bands in average. The molecular size was between 100-1 000 bp. (2)The result of UPGMA analysis to the data of SSR indicated that all accessions can be classified into five groups at 0. 698 similarity index level. Group Ⅰ was made up of 17 accessions, they are all spring type except YYC-2. There were 12 accessions in group Ⅱ , including three hybrid lines( 18,19 and 20) which were created by spring and weak-winter species, others were all weak-winter types. Three weak-winter rapeseed varieties 'Huashuang3 ', 'Zheyou758'and 'Huashuang2' were in group Ⅲ. One spring varietiy Wester was in group Ⅳ. Two weak-winter rapeseed varieties ' Zhongshuangg' and ' Zhongshuang10' were in group Ⅴ. Results from cluster analysis showed that spring and weak-winter accessions were distinguished from each other and they had obvious genetic differences.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica