

Research on Multicast Scanning Dual-stack Worm
摘要 IPv4网络到IPv6网络的过渡过程中将出现两种网络协议将共同存在。研究了一种具有分层扫描策略的蠕虫——双栈蠕虫,该蠕虫利用多播扫描策略实现本地IPv6子网内主机的检测,利用IPv4随机地址扫描发现子网外的目标主机。通过在真实网络中进行传播测试和利用仿真程序模拟双栈蠕虫在大规模网络中的传播行为,发现双栈蠕虫可以在IPv4-IPv6双栈网络中快速传播。 In transition from IPv4 to the IPv6, both of them will work in the Internet. The dual - stack worm is presented in this paper, which adopts a hybrid scanning strategy. The multicast scanning is used to collect the addresses of all active hosts in the IPv6 link- local ,and the IPv4 random scanning is implemented to detect the vulnerable hosts out of the link- local. The dual - stack worm is released in the real network to study how the worm detects and infects susceptible hosts. And its propagation is simulated by the simulator to study how the worm propagates in the large - scale network. The results show that the dual - stack worm is able to spread in the IPv4 - IPv6 dual - stack network.
出处 《现代电子技术》 2008年第15期87-90,共4页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 蠕虫 IPV6 双栈 多播扫描 worm IPv6 dual - stack multicast scanning
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