

An Explanation on the Relationship of Judicial Review and Democracy from the Visual Angle of Existence
摘要 司法审查的正当性要以宪法为判断根据。以规范宪法学为主要哲学基础,以建立在宪法规范上的逻辑分析方法为主要研究方法的存在视角,是研究司法审查与民主之间关系的又一条思路。应该在明确区分司法审查制度与民主制度在交叉与平行、违宪与合宪的语境的基础上,探讨二者之间的关系。 The validity of judicial review must take the constitution as the judgment basis. The visual angle of existence, which regards the standard constitution as the main philosophical foundation, and uses the logic analysis based on the constitution regulations as the main research method, is one dominant approach to the relationship between judicial review and democracy. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss their relationship on the bases of the distinction of judicial review system and democracy system in the context of intersection and parallelism, violation and correspondence of constitution.
作者 胡晓玲
出处 《西安石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第3期62-65,69,共5页 Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 司法审查 民主 作用视角 存在视角 judicial review democracy visual angle of function visual angle of existence
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