
轴、弯载荷下完全叠接K型管节点的应力集中系数研究 被引量:2

Experimental Study of the Stress Concentration Factor for Comletely Overlapped K-joints Under Axial Load and Bending Load
摘要 对大型完全叠接K型管节点试件分别承受轴向荷载和平面内弯曲荷载时的应力集中系数进行了实验测试,通过数值分析,得到了完全叠接K型管节点承受这两种基本荷载作用时焊缝周围的应力集中系数分布情况,分析结果与实验数值相吻合,结果表明在轴向荷载和平面内弯曲荷载作用下,斜管与叠管交接处的应力集中现象比较严重,而主管相对安全,这对指导工程设计是非常有益的。 In order to study the distribution of stress concentration factor(SCF) along the welded toes of the joint under axial load (AX) and in-plane-bending load (IPB), full-scale completely overlapped K-joint specimen has been tested. The analysis result is in good agreement with the experimental value. It also shows that SCFs in the intersection between through brace and lap brace are much higher than those in the intersection between chord and through brace, therefore, the chord is reasonably safe in the completely overlapped K-joint.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期909-913,共5页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10142001) 山东省自然科学基金项目(Y2006F46) 山东省十一五科技攻关计划项目(2006GG3208011) 山东省研究生创新教育计划项目(06086)资助
关键词 应力集中系数 实验研究 完全叠接管节点 轴向荷载 平面内弯曲荷载 stress concentration factor (SCF) experimental study completely overlapped K-joint axial load inplane bending load
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