
我国劳动力供给变动预测分析与就业战略的选择(续) 被引量:2

Prediction and Analysis of Changes in Labor Supply and Selection of Employment Strategies
摘要 The paper holds that by the year 2020,the Chinese total labor resources will have shown a periodical fluctuation curve of high-low-high.The population involved in economic activities will gradually decrease.The number of laborers in different age groups will also undergone various changes.Despite of all this,the pressure for employment will remain serious.In face of the changes in the labor market,the government should adjust the employment policy accordingly.Quality of employment should be improved,employment capacity of the labors should be raised,attention should be paid to sustainable development of economy,various relevant policies should be integrated,and flexisbility of the labor market should be maintained.All this can not be realized unless the forceful regulating and moniroring functions of the government are well performed. The paper holds that by the year 2020, the Chinese total labor resources will have shown a periodical fluctuation curve of high-low-high. The population involved in economic activities will gradually decrease. The number of laborers in different age groups will also undergone various changes. Despite of all this, the pressure for employment will remain serious. In face of the changes in the labor market, the government should adjust the employment policy accordingly. Quality of employment should be improved, employment capacity of the labors should be raised, attention should be paid to sustainable development of economy, various relevant policies should be integrated, and flexisbility of the labor market should be maintained. All this can not be realized unless the forceful regulating and moniroring functions of the government are well performed.
作者 曾湘泉 卢亮
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第7期23-27,共5页 Teaching and Research
基金 教育部哲学社会科学重大攻关项目(项目编号:04JZD00019)“全面建设小康社会进程中的我国就业战略研究”的资助
关键词 劳动力供给 就业战略 预测 劳动力资源 就业政策 峰值 total labor resources population involved in economic activities changes in laborsupply employment strategies
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