3Allan J A. Overall perspectives on countries and regions [A].Rogers P,Lydon P. Water in the Arab world: perspectives and prognoses[C].Massachusetts:Harvard University Press, 1994.65- 100.
4Turton A R,Moodley S,Goldblatt M,et al. An analysis of the role of virtual water in Southern Africa in meeting water scarcity: an applied research and capacity building project[R].Johannesburg: Group for Environmental Montoring(GEM) and IUCN(NETCAB) ,2000.2-8.
6Allan J A.0verall perspectives on counties and regions [A].Rogers P,Lydon P. water in th Arab world: perspectives and prognoses [M].Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University press, 1994.65~ 100
7Turton A R, Moodley S,Goldblatt M, et al. An analysis of the role of virtual water in Southern Africa in meeting water scarcity: an applied research and capacity building project [R]. Group for Environmental Monitoring(GEM) and IUCN(NETCAB).Johannesburg,2000.2~8
9Allan J A. Overall perspectives on countries and regions .Rogers P,Lydon P. Water in the Arab World: Perspectives and Prognoses .Cambridge,Massachusetts: Harvard University Press,1994. 65-100.
10Allan J A. Overall perspectives on countries and regions. In: Rogers P, Lydon P(eds.), Water in the Arab World:Perspectives and Prognoses. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1994.65-100.