
三维CT眶径测量在眶颧骨折治疗中的应用 被引量:1

Application of three-dimensional CT orbital diameter measurement in orbital zygomatic fracture treatment
摘要 目的:探讨眶颧骨折继发复视等畸形的有效治疗手段,缩小眶腔的有效方法,重建眶腔的参考标准。方法:术前三维CT眶径测量,术中测量、修复重建后测量对比,按测量值复位扩大的眶腔,使用材料衬垫眶壁,缩小眶容积。结果:术前CT测量值能更准确了解骨折移位及眶腔变化,手术前后测量对比是眶修复重建的重要依据。结论:眼球三维CT眶径测量简便实用,准确性高,术后效果好,对眶颧骨折继发畸形治疗、眶重建、缩小眶腔容积,治疗复视、眼球内陷有指导意义。 Objective:To explore the effective treatment way of orbital zygomatic fracture with diplopia, reduce orbital capacity and regenerate referenced criterion of orbital capacity. Methods:To compare three-dimensional CT orbital diameters between before and after operation,and then reduce orbital capacity with special material. Results:Three-dimensional CT orbital diameter measurement can realize fracture shift and orbital capacity change accurately. Three-dimensional CT orbital diameter measurement before and after operation provides an important basis for orbital reconstruction. Conclusions:three-dimensional CT orbital diameter measurement is very simple,accurate and important for orbital zygomatic fracture treatment and orbital reconstruction.
出处 《重庆医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2008年第5期584-587,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Medical University
基金 重庆市卫生局课题(00-2-034)
关键词 眶颧骨折 眼球内陷 三维CT测量 Orbito Zygomatic fracture Enophthalmos Three-dimensional CT measurement
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