
液-质联用法测定反式白藜芦醇在大鼠和比格犬体内的代谢产物 被引量:4

The determination of the metabolites of trans-resveratrol in rat and dog by LC/MS^n
摘要 目的:液相色谱串联多级质谱法测定大鼠和比格犬体内反式白藜芦醇(trans-resveratrol,TR)的代谢产物。方法:大鼠按150mg·kg-1灌胃给予TR,收集给药后0~12h尿、粪和胆汁样品,比格犬按50mg·kg-1灌胃给予TR,收集给药后0~12h尿样和粪样。用C18柱固相萃取后进行液-质联用法(LC/MSn)分析。结果:在服药后的大鼠体内可测到4个Ⅱ相代谢物(2个O-葡萄糖醛酸化和2个硫酸化物),在比格犬体内可测到2个Ⅱ相代谢物(O-硫酸化物)。结论:TR在大鼠和比格犬体内广泛代谢,并存在着种属差异。 OBJECTIVE To investigate the metabolites of trans-resveratrol (TR) in Wistar rat and Beagle dog by liquid chromatography tandem multi-stage mass spectrometry (LC/MS^n). METHODS After an oral administration of TR to rats (150 mg·kg^-1) and dogs (50mg·kg^-1), 0- 12 h rat urine, feces, bile and dog urine, feces were collected, respectively, and extracted by solid phase colums. Extracts were determined by LC/MS^n to identify TR and its metabolites. RESULTS The results revealed that the parent drug and four phase II metabolites (O-glucuronidation and sulfation) were found in rat urine, while two TR sulfates were found in dog. CONCLUSION TR was extensively metabolized in rat and dog. The metabolisms of TRG in animals existed species differences.
机构地区 泰安市中心医院
出处 《中国医院药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期978-981,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
关键词 反式白藜芦醇 代谢产物 液相色谱串联多级质谱法 大鼠 比格犬 trans-resveratrol metabolites LC/MSn , rat dog
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