
论艾思奇对马克思主义哲学中国化的重要贡献 被引量:22

On Ai Siqi's Important Contribution to the Sinolization of Marxist Philosophy
摘要 Ai Siqi was the forerunner of the sinolizaiton of Marxist Philosophy.It is him who first puts forward the concept of sinolizaiton,and explains its philosophical kernel and premise from the dialectic relation of universality and particularity.His Public Philosophy starts the precedent of popularization of Marxist philosophy and makes an imporftant contribution to the spread of Marxist philosophy in China.He was the editor-in-chief of Dialectic Materialism & Historical Materialism,Which expounded the keystone of Marxist philosophy clearly and accurately,incarnating the system of Mao Zedong’s philosophy,and then became a kind of narration of Marxist philosophy with Chinese characteristics.During the innovation process of the sinolizaiton of Marxist philosophy,he sticks to the manner of integrating theory with practice,persists in the scientism of emancipating the mind and seeking truth form facts,studies and promulgates Marxist philosophy,so he should be regarded as a great explorer,practicer,and inaugurator. Ai Siqi was the forerunner of the sinolizaiton of Marxist Philosophy.It is him who first puts forward the concept of sinolizaiton,and explains its philosophical kernel and premise from the dialectic relation of universality and particularity.His Public Philosophy starts the precedent of popularization of Marxist philosophy and makes an imporftant contribution to the spread of Marxist philosophy in China.He was the editor-in-chief of Dialectic Materialism & Historical Materialism,Which expounded the keystone of Marxist philosophy clearly and accurately,incarnating the system of Mao Zedong's philosophy,and then became a kind of narration of Marxist philosophy with Chinese characteristics.During the innovation process of the sinolizaiton of Marxist philosophy,he sticks to the manner of integrating theory with practice,persists in the scientism of emancipating the mind and seeking truth form facts,studies and promulgates Marxist philosophy,so he should be regarded as a great explorer,practicer,and inaugurator.
作者 王伟光
机构地区 中国社会科学院
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第7期3-11,14,共10页 Philosophical Research
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  • 1艾思奇.2007年a.《大众哲学》(修订本),人民出版社.
  • 2艾思奇.2007年b.《艾思奇全书》第2卷,人民出版社.
  • 3黄楠森.1987年.《哲学通俗化的榜样》,载《马克思主义哲学家艾思奇》,中央党校出版社.
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  • 8任继愈.1997年.《艾思奇在旧大学普及新哲学的功绩》,载《人民哲学家--艾思奇纪念文集》,云南人民出版社.
  • 9《人民哲学家--艾思奇纪念文集》,1997年,云南人民出版社.
  • 10王丹一,卢国英,叶佐英.1985年.《艾思奇年谱》,载《一个哲学家的道路》,云南人民出版社.












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