
生物复混肥后茬土壤的生物效应 被引量:4

Effects of the post-harvest soil after applying compound bio-fertilizer on soil biological characteristic
摘要 为了进一步研究生物复混肥后茬土壤的生物效应(主要是土壤微生物学特性和作物生长发夹太),在对香蕉(Musa paradisica)枯萎病防治作用研究结束后,让其盆栽土壤闲置了半年,然后再分别对其各试验处理的土壤施等量的尿素(N0.2g·kg^-1土壤),进行种植玉米(Zea mays L)试验研究。研究结果表明,生物复混处理的对后茬作物玉米生长 呈显著的促进作用,并对土壤微生物的生物学特性产生不同程度的影响。生物复混肥的后茬土壤能显著提高玉米的生物产量和玉米苞棒重,比对照增加66.11%-73.40%的生物重量和96.96%-128.96%的苞棒重,比有机肥增加16.45%-21.56%的生物重量和44.21%-67.63%的苞棒重;比生物有机肥增加9.49%-14.30%的生物重量和7.51%-24.98%的苞棒重。与对照相比,具有使土壤细菌、耐高温细菌、放线菌、三大微生物总数增加和使真菌下降的趋势;与其它施肥处理的相比则显著增加耐高温细菌数。比对照显著增加土壤微生物量碳和氮,能增加土壤诱导呼吸以及基础呼吸+诱导呼吸,降低呼吸商。 The purpose in the paper was to conduct an investigation in effects of post-harvest soil after applying compound biofertil- izer on soil biological (microbiological and botanical) characteristic. For this purpose the soil microbiological and botanical characteristic of a maize ( Zea mays L. ) pot experiment in greenhouse were studied by using the post-harvest soil in which had not been cultivated for half year since an pot experiment for applying compound biofertilizer to prevent banana (Musa paradisica) from wilt was finished. The fertilizer urea (N 0.2g·kg^-1 soil) was applied to each treatment soil when the maize pot experiment was carried out. The results indicated that the compound biofertilizer could promote maize growth and cause obviously effects of microbiological characteristic in its post-harvest soil. The maize biomass (fresh) and maize cob weight (fresh) in the post-harvest soil after applying compound biofertilizer were increased by 66.11% - 73.40% and 96.96% - 128.96% respectively as compared to control, increased by 16.45% - 21.56% and 44.21% - 67.63% respectively as compared with organic fertilizer treatment, increased by 9.49 % 14.30% and 7.51% ~ 24.98% respectively as compared with bio-organic fertilizer treatment. As compared to control, there was a trend to increase the population of bacteria and actinomycetes, to decrease the population of fungi in the post-harvest soil after applying compound biofertilizer. It could significantly increase the population of bacillus bacteria that could suffer from 60 ℃ for 8 minutes as compared with other treatment. Also it could obviously increase the soil microbial biomass carbon and microbial biomass nitrogen and soil substrate induced respiration and total respiration (Total basal respiration and soil substrate induced respiration), decrease metabolize quotient (qCO2) as compared with control.
出处 《生态环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期1235-1239,共5页 Ecology and Environmnet
基金 广东省攻关项目(2006B20301050 2003A038) 广东省农业厅科技项目粤农土肥(2004)28号
关键词 生物复混肥 后茬土壤 微生物 玉米 compound f biofertilizer post-harvest soil microorganism maize
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