
主成分分析法在花生四烯酸高产菌株代谢组学研究中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Principal Component Analysis Method in Metabolomics Analysis of High Arachidonic Acid-producing Stains
摘要 利用主成分分析法对于三株花生四烯酸高产高山被孢霉菌株的GC-MS谱图信息进行了分析,以菌株间通含的18种代谢组分为原始指标,提取出两个主成分变量,在二元主成分平面图上实现了对三个具有不同性状菌株的良好区分,同时发现主成分1可能为指向花生四烯酸积累的主成分指标,主成分2可能为指向菌体生长的主成分指标。 The information on GC-MS spectra of three strains of high arachidonic acid-producing Mortierella alpine was analysed by principal component analysis, using 18 common metabolites as the original variables. Two principal components are got and the three strains with different characters are distinguished. At the same time, principal component 1 is found to be corresponded with arachidonic acid accumulation and principal component 2 is corresponded with biomass yield.
出处 《食品科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期247-250,共4页 Food Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(20576054)
关键词 主成分分析 花生四烯酸 高山被孢霉 代谢组学 GC-MS检测 principal component analysis arachidonic acid Mortierella alpina metabolomics GC-MS analysis
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