
长江隧道盾构施工对建筑物的影响及其保护研究 被引量:11

Study on the Impact on the Surrounding Buildings by Changjiang River Shield Tunnel and Its Protection
摘要 研究目的:分析盾构隧道施工对周围建筑物影响范围和程度,提出盾构隧道施工对建筑物影响等级及保护标准,并进行实例分析。研究结论:(1)利用Peck理论公式计算的地表沉陷槽与长江隧道盾构施工引起地表沉陷槽实际情况基本相符,Peck公式在武汉地区具有较好的适用性;(2)建筑物受影响程度主要取决于隧道埋深和建筑物距隧道距离、盾构施工引起的地层损失率等情况,隧道埋深和建筑物距隧道的距离越小、地层损失率越大,则地面变形和建筑物变形也越大;(3)隧道施工引起建筑物的破坏等级可分为5类,对于受影响程度为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级的轻度影响建筑物,可以不采取保护和处理措施;对于受影响程度为Ⅲ~Ⅴ级的建筑物,必须事先采取有效保护措施。 Research purposes: The analysis of the impact scope and level are made to the buildings during the tunnel construction. The impact level and the protection standards for the buildings are presented based on the analysis of an example. Research conclusions:( 1 ) The surface subsidence calculated by Peck Formula is consistent with the actual situation, so Peck Formula has better applicability in Wuhan. (2) Damage level of the building caused by tunnel construction mainly depends on the buried depth of the tunnel, the distance of building to the tunnel and strata loss caused by the construction. The less buried depth of the tunnel and the less distance of building to the tunnel cause larger loss of strata, resulting in larger deformations of surface and building. (3) Damage levels of the buildings caused by tunnel construction can be divided into five categories. To the Ⅰ and Ⅱ extent affected buildings, it does not need to take the measures for protection and treatment. To the extent Ⅲ -Ⅴ extent buildings, it must take effective measures for protection.
出处 《铁道工程学报》 EI 北大核心 2008年第7期57-60,共4页 Journal of Railway Engineering Society
基金 武汉长江隧道施工地面建筑保护技术研究(WHCJSD04022005) 地铁工程建设安全控制关键技术和产业化示范研究(200860423194)
关键词 盾构隧道 建筑物 影响 破坏等级 数值模拟 shield tunnel buildings impact damage level numerical simulation
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