
草酸铂联合氟尿嘧啶、醛氢叶酸治疗晚期结直肠癌的临床观察 被引量:8

Oxaliplatin Combined with 5-flurouracil,Leucoverini Regimen for Patients with Advanced Colorectal Cancer
摘要 目的观察草酸铂(L-OHP)联合氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)、醛氢叶酸(LV)作为一线方案治疗晚期结直肠癌的临床疗效和耐受性。方法23例晚期结直肠癌,其中结肠癌11例,直肠癌12例,初治8例,复治15例,化疗前均经肘正中静脉留置静脉留置针。L-OHP65mg/m^2,静脉滴注4h,d1;LV200mg/m^2静脉滴注2h,5-Fu0.5g/m^2于CF静点完后静脉推注,续以5-Fu2.4~3.0g/m^2持续静脉滴注48h,21天为1周期,连用2周期评价疗效。按WHO标准评价近期疗效和毒副反应。结果全组患者获得CR2例,PR9例,有效率(CR+PR)47.8%,初治有效率为62.5%,复治有效率为45.4%,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。主要毒副反应为恶心、呕吐(74%),口腔粘膜炎和腹泻59.2%,以及一过性末梢神经异常55.6%。结论草酸铂联合5-Fu/LV方案治疗晚期结直肠癌有效率较高,耐受性好,不良反应轻,值得临床推广。 Objective The goal observation oxalic acid platinum (L-OHP) unites the fluorine uracil (5- Fu), aldehyde hydrogen folic acid (LV) to take a plan treatment later period colon cancer the clinical curative effect and the tolerance. Methods 23 example later period colon cancer, the colon cancer 11 examples, the Rectal Cancer 12 examples, initially govern 8 examples, duplicate governs 15 examples, before the chemotherapy, passes through the elbow median vein leaving alone vein leaving alone needle. LOHP65 mg/m^2 , the vein drop pours for 4 hours, d1 ; The LV200 mg/m^2 vein drop pours for 2 hours, 5- Fu0. 5 g/m^2 pushes the note after the CF dead center vein, continues continues the vein drop by 5-Fu 2. 4 -3. 0g/m^2 to pour for 48 hours, 21 days are 1 cycle, are used together 2 cyclical appraisal curative effect. According to WHO standard appraisal in the near future curative effect and poisonous side reaction. Results The entire group patients obtain the CR2 example, the PR9 example, effectiveness (CR + PR) 47. 8%, initially governs effectiveness is 62. 5%, duplicate governs effectiveness is 45. 4%, statistics processing not obvious difference (P〉0. 05). Main poisonous side reaction for disgusting, vomit (74%), oral cavity mycodermatitis and diarrhea 59. 2%, as well as a nerve ending exceptionally 55. 6%. Conclusion The oxalic acid platinum unites the 5-Fu/LV plan treatment later period colon cancer effectiveness to be high, the tolerance is good, the untoward effect is light, is worth the clinical promotion.
出处 《肿瘤防治研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期521-523,共3页 Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment
关键词 草酸铂 氟尿嘧啶 醛氢叶酸 联合化疗 晚期结直肠癌 Oxalipatin 5-Fluoracil Leucoverini Combination chemotherapy Advanced colorectal cancer
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