Under the background of made-in-China experienced a crisis of confidence,the appreciation of the RMB and the sub-loan-crisis,global demand shrinking,oil prices climbing steadily and so on,multiple adverse factors have led to landslides in China's exports increase significantly,China's freight forwarding companies’ surviving increasingly falls into embarrassing situation. The on-coming squeeze on the lower and upper reaches of the chain,credibility crisis,mismanagement and lack mechanisms and brain drain,not only make freight forwarding business development get into bottleneck puzzles,but also mean that new challenges and tests have arrived. Recently,the Export Crisis Era Market-ing Seminar of New Freight Forwarding Business,held by JCtrans.net in Shanghai has attracted Shanghai and its surround-ing areas more than 700 freight forwarding logistics enterprises’ eye,and the topic of breaking the export crisis has won more resonance.
China Ocean Shipping Monthly