

The synthesis and ac impedance characteristic of polyaniline/polysulfone composite films
摘要 采用循环伏安法在酸性溶液中制备出具有多孔结构的聚苯胺/聚砜(PANI/PSF)复合膜。SEM结果显示:复合膜具有不对称的微孔结构,背面是不规则微孔结构的聚苯胺层,正面是海绵状的聚砜层。阻抗光谱研究表明:导电态时,复合膜电极在高频区为1个半圆,在低频区为45°直线,说明此时电极是受扩散控制的。氧化态时,在全频范围内为1/2半圆,说明存在较大的电荷传递电阻。此外,根据交流阻抗谱图拟合出了等效电路图。 Polyaniline (PANI)/polysulfone (PSF) composite films with porous structure were successfully prepared by cyclic voltammetry in acid solution. SEM images presented that the composite film had an asymmetric porous structure. The back of the films was ployaniline layer with irregular pores, while the face was polysulfone layer with a sponge-like structure. In the conducting state, the impedance spectra of the composite films showed a semi-circle in the high frequency region and a straight line with a slope of nearly 45°in the low frequency region, which was due to the Warburg diffusion impedance. In oxidation state, the impedance spectra of the composite films indicated a 1/2 semi-circle in all frequency region, which exhibited a higher electrochemical charge transfer resistance. In addition, an equivalent electric circuit was clone by the experimental impedance spectra.
出处 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期52-54,共3页 New Chemical Materials
基金 甘肃省教育厅科技攻关项目(0615B-01)
关键词 聚苯胺 复合膜 阻抗光谱 polyaniline, composite film, impedance spectra
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