The effects of drinking pond water of Guangxi high human hepatocarcinoma incidence area in the induction of hepatocarcinoma were studied by using AFB1induced rats HCC model160 Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups:Group A acted as controls;Group B received AFB1 injections;Group C ate 02% pond water concentrates obtained from a high HCC incidence area in Guangxi;Group D received both AFB1 injections and 02% pond water concentratesResults:①Group D had the greatest number of γglutamyltranspeptidase(GGT+) foci,and the highest hepatocarcinoma incidence (421%)Although the number of GGT+foci of Group C was lesser than that of Group B (P<001),but was higher than that of control Group A (P<005)This investigation suggests that some kind of hepatocarcinogens may exist in such pond waterThus,exposure to AFB1 in combination with drinking contaminated pond water may increase the danger of inducing HCC
Journal of Guangxi Medical University