<Abract>The output of cheese product in 2007 was 21.34million tons, the consumption was about 20.64 million tons, averagely 3.1 kilos per person. The output of cheddar, half hard cheese, mozzarella, soft cheese, fresh cheese, cottage cheese and hard cheese were 3.5,5.52,3.28,1.6,1.02,0.84 and 0.74 million tons respectively. The rest varieties were 4.84 million tons approximately. As primary exporting countries, Australia and New Zealand respectively exported 212 and 309 thousand tons to Japan, Russia and Mexico and other main importing countries. Japan, as a developed country in Asia, Japan cheese consumption is considerable due to the prevalence of western fast food. And with the income increasing, Japanese diet changed during last decade, especially, the young generation regard the cheese and wine matching as fashion. In addition to the successful project of School Milk, cheese becomes diet habit for children. South Korea followed the example of Japan. The cheese consumption dramatically increased from 295 tons in 1984 to 63.5 thousands tons in 2004. During the latest five years, the annual increase of cheese market kept 66% and has reached to 72 thousands tons. The figure of imported cheese demonstrates the increas-ingly prevalence of cheese products in China. In 2003, the import was only 2533 tons, which rose to 13190 tons in 2007. Consid-ering the domestic production, the consumption is actually more than that. However, the insufficient consumer education restricts the further development of cheese consumption. If Chinese consumers acquire more knowledge of cheese benefits to health, meanwhile more products cater for local consumers launched, the cheese consumption in China will soar. With the developing of dairy industry, the demand of cheese increases, which has been proved in Japan and South Korea. Additionally, the positive influence of Olympic games and The World Expo in 2010 also could provide opportunities for China cheese industry. Especially, the products target to the youth would bcome marketing points for dairy producers.
China Food Industry