
全球主权财富基金的兴起和西方主要国家的反应 被引量:3

摘要 主权财富基金作为政府拥有和管理的投资基金,已经成为国际金融市场上一支活跃的新生力量,它对缓解美国次贷危机带来的流动性紧缩起着积极的作用。但是,西方社会对主权财富基金的指责声音不断。中国投资公司对管理我国巨额的外汇储备发挥了积极的作用,有利于解决流动性过剩的问题。面对西方社会的施压,我国应该采取对策,运作好自己的主权财富基金。
作者 朱颖 徐丽芳
出处 《金融教学与研究》 2008年第3期8-12,38,共6页 Finance Teaching and Research
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  • 1Department of the Treasury, "Report to Congress on International Economic and Exchange Rate Policies, "December 2007, p.1.http:// www.treas.gov/offices/international-affairs/economic -exchange-rates.
  • 2International Monetary Fund,“Global Financial Stability Report: September 2007,”September 2007, p.45. http://www.imf.org/ext ernal/pubs/ft/gfsr/2007/02/index .htm.
  • 3Stephen Jen,“Currencies: How Big Can Sovereign Wealth Funds Be by 2015,”Morgan Stanley Global Research,May 3,2007. http: //www.morganstanley.c om/views/perspectives/files/soverign_2.pdf.
  • 4International Monetary Fund,“Regional Economic Outlook: Middle East and Central Asia”, October 2007, p.13. http://www.imf.org/ext emal/pubs/ft/reo/2007/MCD/ENG/mreo 1007 .htm.
  • 5Nawaf Obaid, "Assessing Saudi Power, "Middle East Times,November 13,2007.
  • 6Henny Sender and David Wighton, "Saudis Plan Huge Sovereign Wealth Fund," Financial Times, December 21,2007.
  • 7Steffen Kern, "Sovereign Wealth Funds-State Investments on the Rise," Deutsche Bank Research, September 10,2007.
  • 8Henny Sender,“Live at Apollo (Management) : Plan to Cash In, Limit Scrutiny”, Wall Street Journal, July 17, 2007.
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  • 10Thomas Heath, "Government of Abu Dhabi Buys Stake in Carlyle," Washington Post, September 21,2007.


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