
僧格林沁及其子孙出生日期考 被引量:1

An Investigation into the Respective Birthday of Senggrencin and His Descendants
摘要 僧格林沁卒于同治四年四月二十四日(1865年5月18日),但学术界对其出生日期迄今仍存在争议,目前尚无学者对其子孙们出生的确切日期予以考证。清代大量可靠原始档案表明:僧格林沁生于嘉庆十六年六月初五日(1811年7月24日);僧格林沁之子伯彦讷谟祜生于道光十六年正月初十日(1836年2月26日),卒于光绪十七年十月十五日(1891年11月16日);伯彦讷谟祜长子那尔苏生于咸丰五年四月初二日(1855年5月17日),光绪十六年(1890)正月暴卒;伯彦讷谟祜的次子、第三子和第五子已出家为喇嘛;伯彦讷谟祜第四子温都苏的生卒日期目前不详;伯彦讷谟祜第六子博迪苏生于同治十年十月初三日(1871年11月15日),1914年1月8日在北京病故;僧格林沁的曾孙、伯彦讷谟祜的长孙、那尔苏的长子阿穆尔灵圭生于光绪十二年十一月二十四日(1886年12月19日),1930年5月29日在北京病故。 Senggrencin died on the twenty- fourth day of the fourth lunar month of the fourth year in the reign of Emperor Tong Zhi (May 18, 1865). However, there are many different statements about his birthday. The exact respective birthday of his descendants has not been known by now. Many reliable primary sources demonstrated convincingly that Senggrencin was born on the fifth day of the sixth lunar month of the sixteenth year in the reign of Emperor Chia Ching(July 24, 1811). Boyannamohu, son of Senggrencin, was born on the tenth day of the first lunar month of the sixteenth year in the reign of Emperor Dao Guang (February 26, 1836) and died on the fifteenth day of the tenth lunar month of the seventeenth year in the reign of Emperor Guang Xu (November 16, 1891). Narsu, the firstborn son of Boyannamohu, was born on the second day of the fourth lunar month of the fifth year in the reign of Emperor Hsian Feng (May 17, 1855) and died a sudden death in the first lunar month of the sixteenth year in the reign of Emperor Guang Xu (February, 1890). The second, third and fifth son of Boyannamohu became Lamas. Until now, nothing is known about the date of birth and death of Wendusu, the fourth son of Boyannamohu. Bodisu, the sixth son of Boyannamohu, was born on the third day of the tenth lunar month of the tenth year in the reign of Emperor Tong Zhi (November 15, 1871 ) and died in Beijing on January 8, 1914. Amurlingkui, the great grandson of Senggrencin (that is, grandson of Boyannamohu and firstborn son of Narsu) , was born on the twenty- fourth day of the eleventh lunar month of the twelfth year in the reign of Emperor Guang Xu (December 19, 1886) , and died in Beijing on May 29, 1930.
作者 周学军
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第4期23-27,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences
关键词 科尔沁左翼后旗 博多勒噶台亲王 僧格林沁 伯彦讷谟祜 那尔苏 温都苏 博迪苏 阿穆尔灵圭 The Back Khoshuu of the Left Wing of Korchin Aimag Bodolgartai Prince Senggrencin Boyannamohu Narsu Wendusu Bodisu Amurlingkui
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