
我国上市公司变更募集资金投向实证研究 被引量:2

Empirical Study on the Alteration of Financing Capital' s Use from the Listed Companies in China
摘要 文章通过对2000—2006年期间多家上市公司公告变更募集资金投向的现象进行统计分析,得出目前我国证券市场还存在募资项目的立项与变更较为随意、大量募集资金被关联方占用或闲置以及虚假投资等问题。在有限样本数量的基础上,进行多元回归分析,得出实证分析结论。 Based on the statistical analysis on the 1290 announcements of 530 listed companies about the alteration of financing capital during 2000-2006,the paper concludes that there are still a lot of problems in China 's stock market at the present time,such as the determination and alteration of a capital-raising project are quite arbitrary,large amounts of capital raised are possessed by associated parties or left unused,and some investments are deceptive.The paper also makes a multiple regression analysis with limited sample size and draws a conclusion that there is a stable positive correlation between the alteration of financing capital's use from a listed company and its assets,meanwhile a negative correlation to its asset-liability ratio and net assets gain.
出处 《新疆社会科学》 CSSCI 2008年第4期14-18,共5页 Social Sciences in Xinjiang
关键词 上市公司 募集资金 投向变更 信息披露 listed company capital-raising alteration of financing capital's use financial disclosure
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