
我国南海珊瑚礁区现代沉积底栖有孔虫的生态特征研究综述 被引量:2

A Review of the Studies in China on the Ecological Characteristics of Modern Sedimental Benthic Foraminifera of Coral Reef in South China Sea
摘要 综述了南海的海南岛和南海诸岛各珊瑚礁区现代沉积底栖有孔虫研究成果,区内礁区底栖有孔虫总体上属于印度-西太平洋热带浅海礁相动物群区系,又由于半封闭的独特的南海海洋地质发展史而催生了大批新属、新种。各礁区条件的差异,底栖有孔虫的组合类型不同,个体大小与壳壁厚薄也不同。南海诸岛礁区的底栖有孔虫组合是南海热带海洋礁区的代表。 The studies on the modem sedimental benthic foraminifera of coral reef around Hainan Island and the South China Sea Islands are summarized in the paper. The benthic foraminifera in the studied area belongs to tropic shallow sea coral reef facies fauna of the Indian-West Pacific. The semi-closed and unique development history of the marine geology in the South China Sea have impelled large quantities of new genus and species to occur. The assemblage types, individual sizes and shell thickness of the benthic foraminifera are dissimilar in different reef areas because of difference of the latitude, the continent (or continental island) landform and hydrological condition, reef landform and water depth, and marine dynamical condition. The assemblage types of benthic foraminifera in the coral reef area of the South China Sea Inlands are the representative of tropic ocean coral reef areas in the South China Sea.
出处 《热带地理》 2008年第4期346-350,共5页 Tropical Geography
基金 中科院知识创新工程重要方向性项目(KZCX2-YW-318) 国家自然科学基金项目(40572102) 国家科技计划课题(2006BAB19B03) 所长基金博士启动项目(SJ200101)
关键词 底栖有孔虫 珊瑚礁 南海诸岛 海南岛 benthic foraminifera coral reef South China Sea Islands Hainan Island
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