全球地震灾害评定项目1992年由国际岩石层计划(Global Lithosphere Pro-gram)倡议,得到联合国国际减灾十年委员会的支持。经过几年工作,在全球9个区域中心获得阶段性成果。中国作为大陆亚洲区域(8#)的牵头国,联络区内各国科学家,在试验区的地震资料处理,地震构造与地震震源区划分方面取得进展并得到中南亚试验区地震危险性评定的初步结果。本文介绍了该项目的进展情况和进一步的工作,以使读者了解全球尺度的地震灾害评定进展。
The Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program was proposed by the Global Lithosphere Pro- gram and was supported by the UN Commission of International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduc- tion in 1992. Through several year's efforts, preliminary results have been obtained. In one of the 9 global regional centers, China taking the lead of the continental Asian region (8#), getting touch with scientists of various countries within the region, some progress has been made in seismic informa- tion reduction, seismostructure and earthquake focus zoning within the test regions, and preliminary results of seismic risk evaluation have been obtained in Mid-South Asian test region. In order to let readers know the progress of seismic disaster in the global scale, the paper introduces the developments of the program and its further work.
Recent Developments in World Seismology