
Isolation and Identification of Burkholderia glumae from Symptomless Rice Seeds 被引量:2

Isolation and Identification of Burkholderia glumae from Symptomless Rice Seeds
摘要 A survey on isolation and detection of the casual organism of bacterial grain rot of rice was conducted during 1997-2006. In 2006, six pathogenic bacterial strains were isolated from two symptomless seed samples of rice (Oryza sativa L.) originally produced in Hainan Province and then planted in Zhejiang Province, China. They were identified as Burkholderia glumae which is the causal organism of bacterial grain rot of rice by physiological characteristics, colony morphology, pathogenicity test, Biolog, fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis and RAPD-PCR compared with the four standard reference strains. It is confirmed that there is the infection of B. glumae in so-called 'health looking seeds'. A survey on isolation and detection of the casual organism of bacterial grain rot of rice was conducted during 1997-2006. In 2006, six pathogenic bacterial strains were isolated from two symptomless seed samples of rice (Oryza sativa L.) originally produced in Hainan Province and then planted in Zhejiang Province, China. They were identified as Burkholderia glumae which is the causal organism of bacterial grain rot of rice by physiological characteristics, colony morphology, pathogenicity test, Biolog, fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis and RAPD-PCR compared with the four standard reference strains. It is confirmed that there is the infection of B. glumae in so-called 'health looking seeds'.
出处 《Rice science》 SCIE 2008年第2期145-149,共5页 水稻科学(英文版)
基金 the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30671397)
关键词 Burkholderia glumae ISOLATION molecular identification PATHOGENICITY bacterial grain rot rice seed Burkholderia glumae isolation molecular identification pathogenicity bacterial grain rot rice seed
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