
重气效应研究进展 被引量:13

Research progress in heavy gas effects
摘要 为了研究天然气泄漏后的重气效应,从易燃易爆有毒气体的重气扩散机理和研究方法出发,具体分析了重气云团的扩散过程,概述了国内外发展的模拟重气云团扩散的大量的数值模型和开展的大量实验,主要包括唯象模型、箱及相似模型、三维流体力学模型和浅层模型四大模型及其研究进展。最后提出了三维流体力学模型和现场数据采集相结合的方法是天然气重气效应未来的研究方向。 For studying the heavy gas effect in the accidental release of natural gas, the diffusion process of heavy gas clouds was analyzed according to the heavy gas diffusion mechanism and the research methods for inflammable and explosive toxic gas, large numbers of experiments and numerical models for simulating heavy gas clouds home and abroad were reviewed, including phenomenological model, box and similar model, three- dimensional hydrodynamic model and superficial model and their research progresses. At last, it was suggested that the future research interests for the heavy gas effect of natural gas should be the method combining three- dimensional hydrodynamic model with local data collection based on the above.
机构地区 西南石油大学
出处 《中国测试技术》 CAS 2008年第4期112-114,共3页 CHINA MEASUREMENT & TESTING TECHNOLOGY
关键词 气体泄漏 重气效应 扩散过程 扩散模型 三维流体力学模型 Gas leakage Heavy gas effect Diffusion process Diffusion model Three-dimensional hydrodynamic model
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