Nuclear safeguards system (NSS), as an important component of international nuclear energy order, is based on nuclear safeguards provisions of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) and underpinned by nuclear safeguards model agreements. Its main content consists of the safeguards agreements between IAEA and its members or other parties involved, and it serves as a legal system to control the use of nuclear energy for military purposes. IAEA, as an effective forum for multilateral cooperatiun in the field of nuclear energy among countries, is not only the result of exploring NSS, but it also serves as a standing body on which the establishment, development and implementation of NSS can depend. China, as a nuclear country, once adopted a hostile attitude towards NSS, but it has played and is playing an active role in improving and implementing NSS, along with the constant change of international relations and the enhancement of its overall strength.
Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)