It is generally accepted that the caudal subnucleus of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (Vc) plays an irnportant role in both transmitting and regulating nociceptive information frorn orofacial region. Many structures within the brainstem send projecting fibers to the Vc, especially to terminate in the superficial Iaminae of t11e Vc. But little have been known about the neuroactive substances of those prokcting neurons. Employing a combination of Fluoro-Gold (FG) retrograde tracing with immunofluorescence bistochemical staining for neurotensin (N T) and Ieu-enkephalin (L-ENK ), we investigated the neu-rotensinergic and enkaphelinergic projections from the brainstern structures to the Vc in the rat. Neurons which send their neurotensinergic or enkephalinergic axons from brainstem to the Vc were mainly observed in the rnidbrain periaqueductal gray, nucleus raphe magnus and gigantocellular nucleus pars Q, which constitute the descending inhibitory system. The pre-sent results indicated that besides the putative transmitters of serotonin (5-HT) and substance P (SP), NT and ENK might also be the candidates of neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulators which also play irnportant roles in modulating the process of nociceptive information transmission from orofacial region. The analgesia effect of NT rnight be that NT-Iike immunoreac-tive neutons directly send their axons to the Vc, through the way of descending inhibitory system, directly rnodulate the pro-cess of nociceptive information transrnission in superficial laminae of the Vc. There were quite dense ENK-Iike immunoreac-tive terminals in the superficial laminae of the Vc, those terrninals originated not only from local region or interneurons of the Vc, but also from nuclei of descending inhibitory system and other structures of the brainstem. These wide-originated NTer-gic and ENKergic projections might inhibit and/or disinhibit the projecting neurons or interneurons in superficial laminae of the Vc, thus modulate the process of nociceptive information transrnission to the higher centers.
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy